Author Information


  • 21 April Abstracts & case study outlines to be received
  • 25 April: Acceptance advised and invitation to submit full papers / case studies
  • 15 May: Final Papers to be received
  • 30 June: Final papers due

Paper types

  • Contributed papers can be up to four (4) pages in length
  • Poster papers can be up to two (2) pages in length
  • Case studies can be upto four (4) pages in length.

Papers and abstracts are to use the following template.
Right click here and select 'Save Target As...' to download template.



Review & publication

All papers & case studies will be published in the online forum proceedings. However, depending on the numbers of papers and case studies received, not all authors will be provided with the opportunity to deliver an oral presentation. EMSA will determine the most approriate mix of topics and presentation type and the allocation of speakers to different sessions in the program.

Papers will be reviewed and publication of final papers will be in a format that meets criteria for 'refereed proceedings'. For papers to be published in the proceedings, at least one author must attend the forum.